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Barney`s Farm-Bad Azz Kush & Peyote Cookies Organic Grows

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    Bad Azz in Pics 1-2 before I did anything and she looks leggy here but on Barney`s home page there`s some grow pics and the same seems to have happened there so where I thought she was stretching for the light it may just be what she likes to do. Anyway, Pic 3 shows her transferred into a 20l pot. She was re-potted to the Cramp`s Voodoo Idol-none of this classical malarky, just good old plain punk psychobilly
    Peyote Cookies-I like this lass. She grows like a Kripple strain...Pics 4-5 before I did anything and Pics 6-7 after I did
    Pics 8-9 shows my cramped veg tent. When the Purple Envy is flipped in a few weeks it will generate more space for the frames and I can work with this til then...good couple of hours gardening I reckon


    • LurkingInTheGrass
      LurkingInTheGrass commented
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      lovely, thank you for sharing

      our minds are weird little things...
      as I looked at pic 1 - the words "shea culpa" popped into my mind


    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      LurkingInTheGrass Okay Lurking, on that you have me floored mate. Shea Culpa? Nearest I could find was about apes carrying off buxom scantily clad blondes whilst fending off some very irate looking local tribesmen and then it went into feminism vs black rights vs something I wasn`t quite sure of. Could you help me out here please mate?

    Bad Azz-Preventative mite treatment applied today-I like that-no eggs or little fellas cruising around plus a feed and a tidy up...still very stretchy and squatting under a 400w MH so no ideas how this lass will go but I reckon I can get her to flip around 3-4 weeks...Pics 1 & 2 shows how she looks with Pic 3 next to a Purple Envy as a comparison


    • LurkingInTheGrass
      LurkingInTheGrass commented
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      Dear mites



    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      LurkingInTheGrass You`re more polite that I am..I started off with You Whores of Babylon and kinda went on from there

    Checked for mites, fed and trimmed/ re-structured both girls to the Nine Inch Nails....good motivational tunes.
    Peyote Cookies-Slower than say Peyote Critical in the growing department but getting there....Pics 1 & 2 before I did anything, Pics 3 & 4 post above
    Bad Azz-Pics 5 & 6 again before I did anthing and Pics 7 & 8 after
    Coming along well albeit slightly slower than I expected


    • WizardsNThings
      WizardsNThings commented
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      I've seen those wire frames on here a lot, where'd you get it from?

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      WizardsNThings These are rigid plastic coated frames and I got them off Amazon and there were different types. I mix and match 2 different height/ width products to achieve what you saw

    Bad Azz-Coming along nicely. All girls treated for mites including these 2 and here she is just before treatment...Pics 1 & 2
    Peyote Cookies is coming along though growth is slightly slower. Tidied her up a tad as well. Unlikely that I`ll try this strain again however tis early days, I s`ppose....Pics 3 & 4


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      beautiful girls in spite of the mites!!!!

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      alltatup Thank you Atu

    alltatup I know I jest regarding English cuisine but it is a subject that warrents a healthy respect in the Health & Safety department. Obviously, growing up in this country we`ve heard from an early age sitting on our mother`s knee that some foods can put up a stiff resistance, especially flour based for wasn`t that how the Great Fire of London started in 1666-it was by the way, combustible flour dust igniting in a bakers in Pudding Lane. I read this today and it does worry me...we have fat bergers in our sewers and now this. I blame it on the Northern folk up near Peebz way....they couldn`t be told and over the years, it has evolved. Wild ones like this are now causing havoc...`Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war`
    Near my mum Ipswich is...hope she`s okay


    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      alltatup Peebz Haggis balls and steak-man, now that sounds well nice. Good call Peebz, As an aside have you got any of those Leonardo da Vinci drawings the Queen`s showing round the Country-not personally though it would be a hoot... Queen: `Where`s your ticket, peasant? Guards, unlease the corgis`. Anyway, went and saw the one near mine. Well, that lad had a very fine pen-his writing was so small that it was almost impossible to make out properly and he wrote it backwards using a mirror as well. Worth checking out mate but you might need a magnifying glass. Also had an exhibition on Japanese drawings on prostitution...that was a bit more lively, quite a crowd viewing that one I can tell you
      Last edited by PaganRich; 03-02-2019, 02:57 AM.

    • LurkingInTheGrass
      LurkingInTheGrass commented
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      I was lucky enough to see some of the "Victoria and Albert Collection" in the late '90s

      I was fascinated with the Da Vinci works, while my wife wandered off to look at dishes or some such

      almost got to see Rodin's "The Thinker" on the same move. it wasn't open to the public, required a ticket, and there weren't any left

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      LurkingInTheGrass Tripped over this ankle height steel rope and nearly landed on this stone block roughly 3ft square. Nothing special about it but I discovered I had wandered into the modern art was just a block of stone, faced on all sides. Once had the pleasure of seeing a load of bricks formed in a rectangular patten on the floor-again, an exhibit-it was bricks. Sometimes I think folk are just having a laugh

    Bad Azz....I went through a stage of wanting to grow much taller lasses and indeed had some success however I found with my lighting situation and preference, I like bushy indicas better. My grows aren`t as tall but I`m happier...all this swaying tall stems and rigging up poles to support-nah. That`s why I don`t grow sats plus I`m tied height wise. So, got a couple of leggers left, this being one which the specs says can get very leggy post flip-oh joy. Decided to flip her today and just see how she goes but this is definitely a one off grow...Pic 1 before I did anything and Pic 2 post pre-flip defol....a post pre-flip-not often can you get away with saying that I`d imagine


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      Pagan, I was surprised to see my Bad Azz stretch as much as she did, not it wasn't all that much. She did, however, put out lots of bud sites!!!

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      Sounds positive Atu

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      Yours will surely flex when you flip the light.

    Peyote Cookies is a slow grow that`s for sure compared to other lasses but she`s getting there...reminds me of a Zen story I recently read: A snail is moseying along when it is mugged by a gang of tortoises. `What happened?` asked the Hedgehog Police. `I don`t know.` replied the snail, `It all happened so fast. ` So, perhaps my Peyote is just being snail like at the moment.
    She has had a good dose of Neem oil to prevent rust and any lingering young mites (The swines!) as well as a feed.
    Pics 1 & 2 show her before and Pic 3 shows after I tidied her up a tad


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      She looks quite robust and stoic.

    Bad Azz...Coming along okay and watered plus treated for mites. Though none found on her, they are about. They are always about. Black Spotted Ninja Clan-Little blighters


    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      alltatup Atu-Thank you

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      You're welcome! She's really lovely!!! When are you flipping the lights? She's gonna stretch!!!!!

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      alltatup Flipped her last weekend and yeap, reckon she`s gonna be a leggy lass

    Hi folks
    Just an update but I am closing my tents down today and taking my girls down or farm them out.
    I have a palliative close relative with dementia and handling his support/ care needs, battling with a fucking crap Social Services department and screwing up the watering means that I`ve had enough so decided to make this decision. So, all grows currently going on this site aren`t going to happen. I`m sorry for any folk following. Hopefully I will start again in Sept but really not sure, this has been a fucking crap 9 months and the next ain`t looking a bundle of roses either. I hope you all have raging great grows and will watch what you folks do so I can keep improving my knowledge.
    Thanks for taking the time to check these blogs and I wish you all the very best. Also alltatup was growing a far superior Bad Azz so congrats to her and Peebz current grow for a lad just starting is really impressive and hoping Retodd doesn`t take his soil pyrotechnics to a new level
    Take care and look after yourselves


    • LurkingInTheGrass
      LurkingInTheGrass commented
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      Do what you have to do, family first

      we will be here, visit when you can or need a spiritual lift

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      LurkingInTheGrass Thank you mate, hang loose and take care. I`ll clock your grows alltatup You must be the first woman to sy that to me, the usual sentiment is different

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      PaganRich Don't play humble with me. I know the women are all over you in the pub.

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